• Ruby can be weird. Don’t take my word for it. Instead, read this cool post called, well, Weird Ruby. A have already knew quite the few of things listed there, but still some blew my mind.
  • Moving from Ruby to Rust is… Wait. Am I including a post about abandoning Ruby in a Ruby newsletter?! Kind of. But I prefer to see this post as an introduction to offloading your performance-critical code to a better performing language (Rust in this case) and call it from you Ruby code. Unlike many similar intruductory posts, Deliveroo actually did it in production and share their experience.
  • dry-validation is one of most recognizable project from dry-rb team. It is going through quite a rewrite at the moment. Another gem, dry-schema, has been extracted from it and new dry-validation was written on top of it. Now it’s almost ready. Alpha version is released and you are welcome to test it.